Spring Chicken

Spring-Sprang-Sprung Fitness Course

“Gram, come do the obstacle course with me.” “Oh no, I’m no spring chicken.  My spring has sprung.”

Jeffrey said, “What’s a spring chicken, Gram?” Gram replied, “A spring chicken is a young chicken.  I’m an old chicken.  I don’t have the spring for life I once had.  Just uncoiled, let’s say.”

“Come on, Gram.  It’s only seven stations.”  “Jeffrey, you’re asking too much from me.  I’m an old woman.”  “Gram, you’ve always said to me.  ‘You can do anything, if you put your mind to it.’  You did say it.”  “I did say it, but I’m an old woman now.  My spring has sprung.”

“Will you try just one with me?  Let’s try, just one.”  “OK, Jeffrey, just one and no more.  I’m an old woman and…”  “Please don’t say my spring has sprung, again.  Well, I just said it for you.  Said no more.”

“Gram, let’s get started.  Stretch your arms. Stretch your legs.  Touch your toes and stand up straight.  Good!”

Station One–Sit down, Stand up.  “Ready, Gram?”  “Oh no, said  Gram.” “Oh yes, said Jeffrey.  Here’s the bench.  Sit down, stand up. Sit down, stand up.  Sit down, stand u p.  Good, Gram.  Say spring, sprang, sprung.”  “Oh, this is so silly, spring, sprang, sprung.”  “Next station.”

Station Two–Jumping Jacks.  “Two, Jeffrey, you said only one.  I’m an old…”  “Begin. One, two, three, four, five and six.  Good, Gram.  Say spring, sprang, sprung.” “All right, spring, sprang, sprung.”  “You did two stations, on to three.”  “Jeffrey, oh no.” “Oh yes,” said Jeffrey.

Station Three–Step up, Step down.  “Now ten times on this one.  Five steps up.  Five steps down.  Ready, Gram?”  “Oh no.”  “Oh yes, let’s begin.  Step up, step down.  Step up, step down.  Step up, step down.  Step up, step down.  Step up, step down.  Good.  Let’s take a breather.” Gram said, “lets take a breather.”  “Oh, Gram, say spring, sprang, sprung.”  “Spring, sprang sprung.  Whew!”

Station Four–Ten Cone Weave.  “Gram, on this one, you will have to weave, I mean, walk in and out of ten spaced cones.  Ready?”  “I don’t know, Jeffrey.  I may fall down.”  “Then, I’ll do it with you.  Let me space these cones farther apart.  Ready?”  “OK, hang on to me.”  “Weave in, weave out.  Weave in, weave out.  Weave in, weave out.  Weave in and weave out.  We did it.  Say spring, sprang, sprung.”  Gram said, “spring, sprang, sprung.”

Station Five–Hula Hoop.  “You know this one, Gram.  Remember how to hula?” “Sure do. I’m Hula Hoop Hilda.  I was champion of the area many Springs ago.” “OK, Gram, do the hula.  Hula, hula, hula.  Look at that hip action. You are a champ!” “I still got it.”  “You still got it.  That’s what I want to hear.  Say spring, sprang, sprung.” “spring, sprang, sprung.  Woo-hoo!” “You’re getting your spring back, Gram.”  “I am!”

Station Six–Horse Shoe Toss. “Now, this is really fun, Gram.”  “I know it is.  I used to be the Horse Shoe Champ, too, years ago.”  “OK, Gram, Toss, miss.  Toss, miss.  Toss, ring. Toss, ring.  Toss, ring.  You’re still the champ.  Say sprung, sprang, spring.”  Gram said,   “sprung, sprang, spring, spring.”  “An extra spring, Gram.  I think you got it.”

Station Seven–Rest and Recovery.  “Gram, you really did well.  So, proud of you.”  “Thank you, Jeffrey.  I couldn’t have done it without you.”  “I’m glad I helped, but you did most of it.  I just directed you.”   “I really feel good now, Jeffrey.  Just what I needed.  I think I may have my spring back.”  “Oh yes, you got your spring back for sure.  Let’s hear it, sprug, sprang spring.”  “Jeffrey, it’s now spring, spring, spring!”

A spring chicken again and back into the spring of life.

© 2021  Frank Clark